5 July 2023

SDC Awards 2023

The 14th edition of Angel Business Communications’ premier IT awards.

The SDC Awards 2023 continues to recognise the innovation, expertise and success of the IT industry across a range of key disciplines like storage, security, cloud, automation, digitalisation i.e., the key building blocks of today’s digital businesses blazing a trail in their chosen industry sectors.

The SDC Awards recognises the practical aspect of technology innovation – how vendors and customers work together on projects to realise major benefits, whether these are financial savings, process optimisation, sustainability success, product and service innovation. These awards also recognise product and services innovation and how IT vendors have developed new solutions in technology that brings significant benefits – combinations of improved speed, reliability, enabling new applications and tasks, and the like.

The SDC Awards recognises the key role that the channel plays in terms of facilitating the relationship between IT vendors and end users. Many thought the advent of cloud and managed services might see the demise of the channel, but with end users facing more technology solution choices, the role of the trusted advisor has never been more important.

And, finally, the SDC Awards recognises both the individuals and organisations who make major contributions to the industry, in terms of how they do their jobs, run their businesses, recognise and assist with challenges facing employees and customers in today’s fast-moving digital world.

The SDC Awards are in their 14th year and continuing to celebrate the success of the IT industry. It’s easy to get involved – free of charge – and you can enter as many products and projects as you like.

Nominations by 1st September 2023

Shortlist annoucement on 29th September 2023

Voting will take place on 2nd/3rd November 2023

Award ceremony: 30th November 2023

Royal Garden Hotel, London

Free to enter

SDC Awards (sdcawards.com)



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