Sustainability Policy
As a company, GoRefCo LLP maintains a strict sustainability policy, which is updated regularly, sent to all staff as a soft copy, and displayed in our Canary Wharf head office.
The main provisions are to:
- Work from home where necessary to save energy on commuting , while taking heed of any current government COVID-19 rules.
- Avoid face-to-face meeting travel in favour of audio and video conferencing, usually on Microsoft Teams, Zoom or our customers’ proprietary systems. This is both to save energy on commuting and take heed of any current government COVID-19 rules.
- Where travel is unavoidable, public transport is encouraged rather than the use of private vehicles.
- Recycle all materials such as printer cartridges, scrap paper and redundant IT equipment. This uses a combination of manufacturer and local council facilities and WEEE-registered disposal firms. Confidential waste is recycled (in batches to avoid excessive travel) via a specialist company employed by WeWork, Canary Wharf.
- Unnecessary printing is discouraged.
- Heating systems in homes and offices are kept to government recommended temperature levels.
- Staff members in the office and at home are recommended to use renewable energy sources wherever possible and where available.
Finally, at team meetings and as part of the normal course of business, staff are invited to suggest ideas to add to the list of sustainability provisions.
As a company, GoRefCo LLP maintains a strict sustainability policy, which is updated regularly, sent to all staff as a soft copy, and displayed in our Canary Wharf head office.
The main provisions are to:
- Work from home wherever possible to save energy on commuting and obey government COVID-19 rules.
- Avoid travel face-to-face meetings in favour of audio and video conferencing, usually on Microsoft Teams, Zoom or our customers’ proprietary systems. This is both to save energy on commuting and obey government COVID-19 rules.
- Where travel is unavoidable, public transport is encouraged wherever possible rather than the use of private vehicles.
- Recycle all materials such as printer cartridges, scrap paper and redundant IT equipment. This uses a combination of manufacturer and local council facilities and WEE-registered disposal firms. Confidential waste is recycled (in batches to avoid excessive travel) via a specialist company local to Canary Wharf.
- Unnecessary printing is discouraged.
- Heating systems in homes and offices are kept to government recommended temperature levels.
- Staff members in the office and at home are recommended to use renewable energy sources wherever possible and where available.
Finally, at team meetings and as part of the normal course of business, staff are invited to suggest ideas to add to the list of sustainability provisions.