What We Do

Socrates: “Focus all your energy not on fighting the old but building the new.”

We’ve taken that thought to heart. Today, our philosophy is to see an opportunity for innovation in everything we do. Means ever faster and more effective.


Persuasion is at the heart of every successful business. One needs to sway customers to shift products and services. If you don’t, they won’t. But despite that plain fact, most companies struggle to communicate well. Never truer than in the hash often made of case studies. At the vital customer interface, where proof points literally become hard currency, great storytelling reigns supreme.

Storytelling is the art of moving people. Not physically, of course. But stirring emotions, shaking long-held faiths and changing mindsets. And that’s what we seek to do. We tell compelling and imaginative stories laced with hard facts and vivid insights that stick in the memory. That’s the way to strongly influence an audience, close sales, publicise success, differentiate the brand, and win industry awards.

Imaginative content marketing

The content marketing explosion started umpteen years ago with early social media and sharing apps. Today everyone’s onto it. For example, compelling content built on meticulously and carefully chosen keywords is essential for grabbing online readers. It’s also a prime mover when winning backlinks to further lift SEO ratings. So, think of copy for the printed page, digital marketing, or whatever, as having an extra salesperson. Or two or three.

In this highly-charged climate an imaginative turn of phrase is mere table stakes. While adopting repetitious AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Bard just doesn’t cut the mustard. Worse, you’ll probably get found out. (And here, we’re not talking of exams.) Using our copywriting skills means your recipients are more likely to return and act. Repeatedly. So, try us. We have access to the secret sauce it takes to stay at the forefront.

Ingenious digital PR

Traditional PR has been an unfortunate victim of the digital upsurge. Trade mags, once beloved of spray-and-pray agencies, are virtual shadows of their former selves. Now, when it comes to improving search engine ratings, raising your profile, strengthening your brand, or attracting new customers – name of the game – digital PR rules the roost.

We’ll tell your story through slices of social media, targeted news releases, website placements, and award submissions. All as part of an integrated, multi-phase campaign designed to achieve or exceed your marketing objectives. In so doing we target chosen journalists, editors, events, and analysts through their preferred digital channels. Uptake and performance are assiduously monitored to assure continuous coverage.

GoRefCo wraps everything inside a single offer and a single budget to arrange optimum marriages of message and medium. Do that like we do and divorce is a vanishingly rare event.